Monday, April 09, 2007

Full Moon on the PowerPoint
Sunday April 1, 2007

AT last the night had fallen. So far north, it stayed light till well after 8 pm. The day had been sunny so the sky was clear.

The moon was up and shining down on a snake of women walking in single file up the spiralling path to the summit of PowerPoint hill. To our right, the ground fell away sharply. Carefully, I placed each foot in the footsteps of the woman in front of me. From time to time, half submerged roots caught at me as I trod and stumbled, and then was steadied by the woman leading me.

We walked through an arch made by two trees; one had fallen into the arms of the other during a storm. Climbing carefully up the steep hill, we emerged from amongst a ring of silver birch into the circle of small stones set in the twelve directions of the compass. The stones had been laid and painted by a woman who had been guided to do so. They represented the symbols of a number of the world’s religions, as though to name the place in an ecumenical sense for all spirits, gods and goddesses.

The trees watched as, slightly awkwardly for we did not really know each other yet, we held hands and attuned. Dedicating our work to the opportunity to meet with the spirits of the place and to find and grow self-love, I called the directions and cast the circle. Each taking an animal oracle card, I invited everyone to journey with their animal and allow the land to speak to them. I began to drum quietly.

The circle of trees drew closer as though to watched more carefully. I closed my eyes and saw the kind faced cow inviting me to follow her. We walked through the trees and down the hillside across a grassy meadow. Lowing encouragement, she swayed in front of me, a gentle grace in her purposeful gait.

The sound of running water grew louder as we moved towards a rocky outcrop and then came to a bubbling spring and small pool. The cow lowered her head to drink and I knelt beside her, scooping up the fresh water in my cupped hands. It was cold and sweet. I felt it running through my body and felt renewed.

All was still as I knelt there. The land and the cow seemed to hold me without touch. I stood and gently stroked her head and she mooed contentedly and then turned to lead me back.

The circle of women reformed and we stood quietly as the moonlight lit each one of us. Gently, we raised our voices in song, honouring the shining moon above us.

“Under the full moon light we dance,
Spirit dance we dance,
Joining hands we dance,
Joining souls rejoice.”

Then one woman began to giggle infectiously. Catching the mood, we quickly closed the circle and tumbled our way (via a precarious shortcut) back down the hill.


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