Monday, November 20, 2006


Emerging into the sunshine, slightly dazed by the vibrancy of the day after the peace of the crypt, we made our way up the road to Ludgate Circus. Until recently, the only thing that marked the presence of King Lud was a pub of that name, now long gone.

Ludgate Hill is so called because this is where King Lud was buried. He is said to be a generous geezer and general good time guy. He also gave London its name.

Lud became famous for building and repairing towns around Britain. Most important of these was Trinivantum, where London is now. It is said that he built massive towers around the city, erected lavish homes for the peasantry and held a lot of parties!

But there was no feasting for us today as the restaurant that stood in the place of the old pub was firmly closed. We contented ourselves with dancing a quick jig and humming a snatch of “Old King Cole”, necessarily truncated due to neither of us being able to remember all the words. That done, we skipped off to the next site.


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